Road kerbs
If you are planning a new driveway or patio in concrete block paving you are going to need some form of edging kerb. The purpose of the edging kerb is to frame and contain the concrete block paving.Edging kerbs are also used to provide the definitive line between gardens or lawns. We also sell,cabro blocks, paving slabs, road channels, wall copings,concretefencing post,road culverts Shallow drains.
Shop By Categories
- Paving Blocks-Cabros
- Precast Concrete Products
- 3D Vent Blocks-Breeze Blocks
- Balusters
- Concrete Fencing Posts
- Concrete Laundry Terrazo Dhobi Sinks
- Concrete Louver Blocks
- Concrete Spindles
- Inverted Blocks Drainage-IBD
- Paving slabs
- Precast Ventilation Blocks
- Road Channels
- Road Culverts-Concrete pipes
- Road Kerbs
- Shallow Drains
- Wall Copings
- Window Sills
- Cobble Stones
- Hollow Pots and Hollow Blocks